NEWSLETTER: International Alliance of Patients' Organisations - January


IAPO's Strategic Plan 2019 – 2021

IAPO's Strategic Plan 2019 – 2021 is now in effect. This strategy builds on the progress made through the Strategic Plan 2015 – 2017 and sets out our vision of promoting patient-centric universal health coverage in 2019 – 2021 (and beyond to 2030). Our plan objectives are to ensure that there is: "sufficient availability of patient-centric, quality and safe, promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative health services in each WHO Member State, along with essential medicines and health devices, that are accessible, acceptable and affordable and delivered without the patients suffering financial hardship or discrimination."

Meeting new IAPO member: Building Lives Foundation, El Salvador

We are very excited to welcome Building Lives Foundation, El Salvador as a new member of the IAPO network.

The organization answered a few questions about their work, why they are involved in patient advocacy and their thoughts and expectations as they join our community.

Building the momentum for safe medication and healthcare

IAPO’s partners, Medicines we Can Trust, a campaign whose simple belief is that everyone should have access to medicines they can trust, begins this year with a story gathering exercise to help strengthen efforts to raise awareness on the importance of medicines quality and the impact poor-quality medicines have on people’s lives. 

Through this, we are all invited to share stories that showcase the following:

-Patients and families who were personally affected by substandard or falsified medicines;

Health workers and providers who face the dilemma of administering medicines they worry may be poor-quality and the strategies they use to address these issues and protect their patients;

-Policymakers who are prioritizing the issue of medicines quality and serve as thoughtful stewards of patient health and trust; and 

-Community leaders who are raising awareness of the issue and advocating for change at local and national levels.

Medicines we Can Trust have created a survey to gather these stories and is encouraging  everyone to share it in their networks too. 

Photo credit: World Health Organization

10 threats to global health in 2019

The world is facing multiple health challenges. These range from outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases, increasing reports of drug-resistant pathogens and growing rates of obesity to environmental pollution, climate change and humanitarian crises.

The World Health Organization has put together the top ten issues that will demand attention from health stakeholders in 2019.

In case you missed it: Patient Solidarity Day – highlights from 2018

Thank you to everyone who played a part in making Patient Solidarity Day (PSD) such a strong celebration and helping to spread the word on safe medication and healthcare for all.

The PSD report highlights some of the excellent work that IAPO members and supporters carried out to celebrate the day.

Recap: IAPO members’ PSD2018 photo competition winner is…

Last December we announced that the overall winner of our Patient Solidarity Day 2018 photo competition was Uganda Alliance of Patients Organizations (UAPO). UAPO’s picture will be the feature photo of Patient Solidarity Day in 2019!

Upcoming Events and Days 

WHO 144th Executive Board session – 24 Jan  – 1 Feb 2019

Rare Disease Day – 28 Feb 2019

(Please send any other upcoming events, days and activities that would be relevant to the IAPO network to


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