NEWSLETTER: International Alliance of Patients’ Organisations – February 2019.


The 144th Session of the WHO Executive Board

Momentum on Global Action for Patient Safety continues to build

On 31 January 2019, the 144th session of the WHO Executive Board (EB) deliberated on the agenda item ‘Global Action on Patient Safety’ and adopted the Executive Board Resolution ‘Global Action on Patient Safety’ which includes the establishment of an annual World Patient Safety Day on 17th September. The EB has recommended this resolution for adoption at the World Health Assembly in May 2019 a major milestone in the global patient safety movement.


Improving patient safety and fighting fake medicines in Europe

The world’s first system for preventing counterfeit medicines entering the supply chain has gone live across Europe. The European Medicines Verification Organisation, launched the digital verification system covering the medicines supply chain that promises greater security against falsified medicines. The system which went live on 9 February 2019, is a welcome contribution towards the fight against falsified medicines.

Rare Disease Day 2019: Bridging health and social care

On 28 February 2019, people living with or affected by a rare disease, patient organizations, politicians, carers, medical professionals, researchers and industry will come together to celebrate the twelfth annual Rare Disease Day. This year's campaign will focus on bridging the gaps in the coordination between medical, social and support services in order to tackle the challenges that people living with a rare disease and their families around the world face every day. 

Sexual Intimacy and Multiple Sclerosis: A video animation

Intimacy challenges can be a difficult topic to talk about, even though common for people with and without chronic conditions. To get the conversation going, IAPO member, Multiple Sclerosis (MS) International Federation has launched a video animation exploring this issue for people with MS.

Share you story!

Our Member activities section is an opportunity for you to highlight your key projects and activities. The aim of this section is to help you share your work and best practices, learn from each other and catalyze positive progress towards achieving patient-centred healthcare at every level in every community.

If you would like your initiative to be featured, please email us at


Nothing About You Without You

28 February is Rare Disease Day. Hardly any surprise to anyone who is committed to changing the status quo for the millions of people affected by one or more of the 7000+ rare diseases. But then again, it may be news for many to hear how we actually work to change the status quo. To mark Rare Disease Day 2019, Camilla Krogh Lauritzen, Chief Patient Office LEO Pharma, explores the partnership at LEO Pharma between Research and Design experts and disease experience experts.

Our Upcoming events and days page is an opportunity for you to highlight your key projects and campaigns. The aim of this page is to help you share your work and catalyze positive progress towards achieving patient-centred healthcare at every level in every community.

If you would like your initiative to be featured, please email us at 


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