IAPO's newsletter Srpanj 2019.


Dear Dražen,

Welcome to the July issue of our newsletter. This month, we look back at the recently updated Essential Medicines List 2019, reviewing what this means for our advocacy efforts. We also share highlights from events we attended and recent resources that you will find useful. In the last article, we invite you to share some feedback and ideas on the WHO medication safety app to ensure that it continues meeting your needs. 

Do take a look, and feel free to share!

IAPO CEO reviews the Essential Medicines List 2019

IAPO CEO Kawaldip Sehmi was recently featured on the Global Health Matters blog as well as Health Policy Watch where he gives a review of the recently published Essential Medicines List Selection profiling the patient voice.

Why the WHO’s Essential Medicines List 2019 matters to patient advocates

On 9th July 2019, the World Health Organization (WHO) published the updated Essential Medicines List (EML) 2019.This is a guidance document that helps countries prioritise health products based on evidence and health impact. In this article, we review how and why the EML matters to patient advocates.  

Calling for global medicines regulatory coherence 

On 10 July, IAPO was proud to contribute to the high-level meeting on Mutual Recognition Agreements and Reliance in the Regulation of Medicines at both national and regional level at the Gates Foundation in London.

Leading the patient group stakeholder unit, IAPO CEO, Kawaldip Sehmi highlighted the need to improve global regulation coherence as this would guarantee patients having early access to quality and safe products as manufacturers would only be required to submit their medicine’s dossier for inspection to one agency with  a recognised regulatory framework.

Save the date: World Patient safety day

On 17th September, in partnership with the World Health Organization,  we are marking the 1st World Patient Safety Day to raise public awareness, understanding and engagement globally of the need to work towards  global solidarity and action by all to promote patient safety.

Patient safety is the absence of preventable harm to a patient during the process of healthcare and risk reduction of unnecessary harm associated with healthcare to an acceptable minimum. 

Mark the 17th September 2019 in your calendar and join this movement as we call for patient safety!

Help WHO test and improve MedSafe app!  

The MedSafe app, an initiative of the World Health Organization, seeks to educate patients and the general public through the 5 key moments where your action can reduce the risk of medication-related harm.

Its principles encourage you to ask your health care professional important questions, keep the answers in a structured way to better manage your medications.

·         Download it free from your App store

      Google Play Store (Android)                 App Store (Apple)

·         Use it

·         Leave feedback and rating on App store

Upcoming Events and Days 

World Hepatitis Day – 28 July 2019

World Atopic Eczema Day – 14 September 2019

69th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Europe – 16 -19 September 2019

UN High-level Meeting on UHC – 23 September 2019

66th session of the WHO Regional Committee for Eastern Mediterranean – 14 -17 October 2019 

Our Upcoming events and days page is an opportunity for you to highlight your key projects and campaigns. The aim of this page is to help you share your work and catalyze positive progress towards achieving patient-centred healthcare at every level in every community.

If you would like your initiative to be featured, email us at rachel@iapo.org.uk 


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