First World Patient Safety Day


'Speak up for patient safety!'

First World Patient Safety Day 

At IAPO we know how crucial safety is for all patients seeking healthcare. However, safety in health systems is a global concern because of increasing numbers of people suffering avoidable harm or being put at risk of injury while receiving healthcare.

Recognising the urgency of the issue, on Tuesday 17 September 2019, health stakeholders from all over the world will stand together, united in a celebration of the first ever World Patient Safety Day (WPSD). This is a unique opportunity for patients, patients’ groups, carers, civil society organizations and other relevant stakeholders to stand together in our call for safe-patient-centred healthcare as an essential component for the achievement universal health coverage.

This year's theme is patient safety: a global health priority. Our aim for WPSD is to call on decision-makers globally to take the right steps to ensure patient safety in health systems. In collaboration with the World Health Organization, we invite you to speak up for patient safety and advocate that your national governments ensure successful implementation of the commitments they made under the World Health Assembly Resolution ‘Global Action on Patient Safety’.

Resources to help you get involved

Tools for this year’s WPSD campaign are now available for everyone to download  from the IAPO World Patient Safety Day web page.

These tools are designed to help everyone get involved in the campaign, whether online (e.g. on social media) or offline (e.g. by lobbying national Health Ministries or engaging the media) in our united call for global patient safety. 

The resources include:

Template letter to your Ministry of Health  – We encourage you to use this targeted approach to contact your national health ministry to urge them to ensure successful implementation of the commitments they made under the World Health Assembly Resolution ‘Global Action on Patient Safety’.

WPSD handbook

WPSD key messages 

– WPSD social media messages 

– WPSD banner

– Recommendations of the World Health Assembly Resolution 72.6 

– World Health Organization patient safety resources 

… and much more.

Activity ideas for participating in WPSD

There are many ways to advocate for Patient Safety.  We have put together examples of activities to give you some inspiration. These range from community engagement workshops, engaging the media, building advocacy partnerships to creating opportunities for engaging with key decision-makers in healthcare.

Let's get digital!

Today, social media gives us the ability to spread campaigns even further. Here are some of the ways you can use the power of social media to reach thousands of people and raise awareness on patient safety!

Get sharing 

-Share our campaign resources with your network and encourage them to share them too to help spread the word.

-Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and share our messages to get the patient safety message out there.

-Attach our campaign banner to your social media posts to build the excitement with your followers.

Tell us what you are planning 

Please keep us informed about how you will mark the Campaign. We would love to support you in any way we can as well as add you to our list of supporters and events on our website. Keep us in the loop by emailing

We look forward celebrating World Patient Safety Day with you!


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