World Patient Safety Day


7 days to World Patient Safety Day 

It's just seven days until we celebrate World Patient Safety Day. Now is the time to ramp up the momentum to make sure our voice is heard on Tuesday 17th September.

Thank you to everyone who has been planning activities, creating content and spreading the word. Let's keep pushing the messages out so that together we speak with one loud voice for 'Patient Safety'.

For more information on World Patient Safety Day, including details about this year's theme and a range of useful resources, click here.


Five ways you can show your support

1.  Use the letter template here to contact your national health ministry urging them to ensure successful implementation of patient safety.

We encourage you to use this targeted approach to contact your national health ministry urging them to prioritise patient safety as well as ensure successful implementation of the recommendations made in the WHO Director-General’s report on global action on patient safety.

2. Mobilise your network ahead of Tuesday 17th September

Make sure your contacts know about World Patient Safety Day. Send them a quick message letting them know how they can show their support. Feel free to adapt some of these 'five ways'.

3.  Spread the word by posting the key messages on Facebook and Twitter

Access the messages and graphics here and remember to use the hashtag #PatientSafety and #WorldPatientSafetyDay with your posts. Click here to send out a tweet right away.

4.  Share your World Patient Safety Day photos 

Whichever way you're marking WPSD, send us your best photo to illustrate what 'speaking up for patient safety' looks like for you and we will help you share them with the world through social media as a way of raising awareness. Please send your photos to

5.  Download and use the WHO patient safety resources 

The World Health Organization has put together very useful resources to support us in marking the first ever World Patient Safety Day. You can find and download them here

If you are looking for inspiration, there is still time. Visit our website and use the button below to download the World Patient Safety Day handbook. Here you'll find a range of ideas to help you mark the day with us on and before Tuesday 17th September.


Tell us what you are planning 

Keep us informed about how you will support World Patient Safety Day so that we can add you to our events and activities page on our website – see here. If your organization's name and activity is not yet on the page please get in touch as soon as possible to let us know how you'll be celebrating World Patient Safety Day, and we will add you as a supporter.

We look forward to celebrating the World Patient Safety Day with you!


Other news…


Reminder: Asia-Pacific Patients Congress

Don't miss the opportunity to learn, interact and engage with thought leaders, experts and high level professionals over two days at our first ever Asia-Pacific Patients Congress on the 13th – 14th November in Taipei, Taiwan (Republic of China).

In partnership with the Taiwan Alliance of Patients' Organizations and Psoriasis Association of Taiwan, the goal will be to prepare ourselves, as patient advocates, to take on the challenges and opportunities that will arise from increasing global harmonisation towards Universal Health Coverage (UHC).


The patient voice was heard at the WHO South-East Asia Regional Meeting

IAPO Board Member, Ratna Devi of DakshamA Health and Education, India, represented IAPO at the 72nd World Health Organization's South-East Asia Regional Meeting. At the meeting we called upon the participating Member States to ensure patient safety is central to their Universal Health Coverage delivery plans and urged them to join us in marking the first ever World Patient Safety Day!



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