MPE Newsletter

MPE Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2020
Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 6-8 March 2020

MPE activities

ESMO 2019 highlights

The European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Annual Congress was held from 27 September to 1 October 2019 in Barcelona, Spain. The only myeloma session included in the ESMO programme, called “Defining optimal response in myeloma”, summarised the most important updates regarding myeloma presented in this conference.
Prof. Jesus F. San-Miguel, Director of Clinical & Translational Medicine Universidad de Navarra, Spain, and also chair and speaker of this session, summarised for MPE the most important updates presented in this session.

Myeloma CABs

Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE) held its second round of Myeloma Community Advisory Boards (Myeloma-CABs) in Amsterdam on 6-7 October. Myeloma CABs aim to promote best-in-class myeloma research as well as the harmonisation of good clinical practice, standard of care and access to best available myeloma therapies and diagnostic tools. Find here more information about the MPE myeloma CABs in the link below.

Survey on myeloma patient information needs in 12 countries

Myeloma Patients Europe (MPE) has launched a survey for European myeloma patients to understand their information needs. If you are a myeloma patient who has received at least one prior treatment or is currently on their first treatment, MPE would be very grateful if you would take the time to complete the survey. The survey has been developed in collaboration with the pharmaceutical company Amgen and it is currently open in the UK, Germany, Austria, Finland, Poland, Romania, Sweden, The Netherlands, Switzerland and France and it will be open soon in Israel and Hungary. You can find the country-specific survey links and translations in all relevant languages in the link below.

MPE members’ activities


National Myeloma Day in France (JNM 2019)

Our French member, Association Française des Malades du Myélome Multiple (AF3M), will celebrate its National Myeloma Day on Saturday 12 October. Apart from providing updated information about research and myeloma treatments, AF3M will highlight this year the benefits of physical activity and a well-balanced diet. If you are living in France and you would like to join AF3M activities in your city, find more information in the link below. It will be celebrated in 26 cities in France and this year also in Belgium.



EUPATI Training Course

The fourth cycle of the European Patients’ Academy on Therapeutic Innovation (EUPATI) Training Course will begin shortly. If you are a patient advocate and you want to become a patient expert in medicines research and the development process, apply before 28 October 2019. The EUPATI Patient Expert Training Course has been specifically designed to meet the needs of patients and patient advocates who have the motivation and skill-set to acquire and apply expert-level knowledge across the whole spectrum of the medicines research and development (R&D) process. If you are interested in being part of this course, check the specific requirements that you should accomplish in the link below.

If you are an MPE member and you would like to share your activities in this e-bulleting, please contact Ana Vallejo:


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Avenue Louise 149/24 1050 Brussels Belgium




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