ASH 2019 Congress: CML reports

For Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patient Group Advocates

CML Advocates Network, ASH 2019



61st American Society of Hematology Congress
Chronic Myeloid Leukemia reports 

In December 2019, the American Society of Hematology held its 61st Congress in Orlando, USA.
The CML Advocates Network, with the help of our team of patient advocates, has summarized the chronic myeloid leukemia highlights presented in this key meeting for our community:
  • Update on stopping CML treatment
  • Discontinuation of TKIs in children with CML
  • New drugs for CML, generic Imatinib and other topics
  • CML Educational session
Check and download the full #ASH19 CML AN Congress Report

Update on stopping CML treatment: 
Therapy-Free Remission

Achieving therapy-free remission (TFR) continues to be amongst the most discussed topics in CML at the moment. At this year’s ASH congress, the first plenary oral session on CML was dedicated to the topic of TFR and there were many posters as well. 

Overall, there is no big news in the area of TFR, but research continues intensively. Across all the different studies, about half of all patients that are stopping therapy after years of deep molecular response to TKI (below MR4 / BCR-ABL below 0.01) need to restart treatment. The main open questions remain to predict the individual patients’ likelihood of a successful stop,  the need for life-long PCR monitoring to catch potential late recurrences of CML, and whether a second attempt to withdraw therapy is feasible and safe.

Click here to read and download the full report

Discontinuation of TKIs in children with CML

TKIs seem to allow most CML patients, including children, to live a normal lifespan under continued treatment. However, the medication’s long-term side effects such as growth impairment and the need to take the drug for the rest of life, are an issue of concern, especially for children.

Recent clinical trials in adults have suggested that some CML patients in deep molecular response on TKI therapy may have a chance to discontinue TKI treatment. However, the biology of CML in children may differ from adults with a more aggressive presentation, and data of TKI discontinuation in CML children are limited.
Click here to read and download the full report

New drugs for CML, generic Imatinib and other topics

This summary will cover a few of the important topics regarding CML that were presented at ASH 2019 including:

  • New Drugs for CML
  • Update on the French and German Interferon combination studies
  • Age-adjusted treatment in CML- Elderly and Pregnancy report for young CML patients. (our report regarding pediatric CML was published separately).
  • Generic Imatinib
Click here to read and download the full report

CML educational session from ASH 2019

Patients, borders, money, and mission: 
A global perspective of chronic myeloid leukemia

CML is truly one of our cancer success stories. The identification of a single genetic swap — BCR-ABL — and the development of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) targeting this mutation have revolutionized care for patients with the disease.  

Globally, however, deep challenges remain. 

Treatment challenges for CML in resource-poor countries, along with unique interventions that may help, were at the center of this enlightening session.
Click here to read and download the full report
During the last American Society of Hematology Congress, we interviewed one of the key CML experts, Professor Tim Hughes, with the support of our colleagues of Leukaemia Care.
Thanks to all of you for your collaboration!
Don’t miss the video on our Youtube channel summarizing the most important CML news presented at #ASH19
CML Advocates Network
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