CML Newsletter, October 2020


For Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patient Group Advocates

CML Advocates Network, October 2020

World CML Day 2020 members' activities

Online meetings, face to face events, webinars, video recordings, social media awareness campaigns, educational actions, patients' support groups and many more amazing activities have made once again the WCMLDay20 a successful awareness movement all around the globe.

Thank you for your engagement and amazing CML advocacy to all of you!
Have a look at the World CML Day 2020 activities developed by our members worldwide.

Voices of CML regional sessions on Youtube

Visit our Youtube channel where you can find out the 6 regional live sessions plus the Israeli webinar with Giora Sharf and key CML doctors held on the occasion of World CML Day 2020.

Watch these inspiring discussions between CML patient advocates worldwide including topics such as access barriers to treatment and monitoring tools in the different countries, how the COVID19 outbreak impacts CML patients' lives, pregnancy and stigma.
Watch World CML Day: Voices of CML Live Sessions

TFR4CML results presented at the European School of Hematology

Last week, the European School of Hematology virtually held the “22nd Annual John Goldman Conference on Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: Biology and Therapy”. 

This year, we have had the chance of attending a very interesting program, focused on key topics such as immunology and inflammation, the biology of the blast phase, new treatment strategies and unsolved needs, treatment-free remission or safety.

Our Abstract “Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Patients’ Concerns during Phase I of the Treatment-Free Remission Journey: Communication Between Patients and Doctors in the Different CML Advocates Network Regions” was accepted to be presented as part of the scientific session 7: #TreatmentFreeRemission – Predictive factors".

We are very proud of presenting results of our #TFR4CML study in this key CML forum by our co-founder Giora Sharf.
For more information, follow us on
Twitter @cmlnet #ESHCML2020.

CML Horizons 2020: registration opens 8th October.

In light of the circumstances surrounding the global COVID-19 outbreak, the CML Advocates Network Steering Committee has decided to hold the CML Horizons Conference 2020 as a virtual event on 6-8 November 2020.

After 18th years, we regret to announce we are unable to get together the global CML patient advocacy community in person as we always do every year. We are committing ourselves to providing a top-notch, interactive, and immersive online experience for our attendees. 

It is our pleasure to share with you we have confirmed the participation of some key CML experts as Dr. Cortés, Dr. Hochhaus, Dr. Lipton, or Dr. Benneh. We are working on some interesting sessions such as the one dedicated to generics, treatment-free remission, or a special talk about the COVID19 outbreak and its impact on CML patients.

We want to do our best to bring what you want to learn, share and grow during #CMLHZ20 to you remotely! Furthermore, this year the CML Horizons will be free for registration, opening on October, 8. 

Stay tuned to social media channels for more information.


Zagreb, HR

Hrvatska udruga leukemija i limfomi
predsjednik Dražen Vincek
Trg hrvatskih velikana 2/ll
10 000 Zagreb
GSM: +385 (0)91 4873 561
TEL: +385 (0)1 4873 561
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