UICC Newsletter November 2020

The global health community commits to eliminating cervical cancer



UICC and cancer organisations around the world joined in WHO’s official launch of the global strategy to eliminate cervical cancer, a historic milestone in the fight against cancer.

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Winners of the 2020 Best CEO and World Cancer Day Spirit Awards

The recipients of the 2020 Best CEO and World Cancer Day Spirit Awards were announced at a special community celebration held virtually on Tuesday 24th November. And the winners are… 


The curious case of Heated Tobacco Products

The curious case of Heated Tobacco Products (HTPs): two eminent scholars pull back the veil on the potential harms of HTPs and the tactics used by the tobacco industry to market them. Read more


Take Action

Take the "21 Days to Impact Challenge"

Hundreds of people have already signed up to the "21 Days to Impact Challenge" since its launch last month. Filled with guidance, fun quizzes and helpful resources, the new World Cancer Day initiative encourages everyone to take small and meaningful actions each day towards their own personal health, supporting someone living with cancer, speaking up, getting informed and helping to eliminate cervical cancer. Find out more


Capacity Building

Sharing best practices in breast cancer control

Organisations from 22 LMICs have started UICC’s Project ECHO® breast cancer control course. Their projects focus on a range of issues, including access to treatment and medicines, palliative and support care, early detection and genetic testing. Read more



Members' Corner

This month in the Members' Corner, find some interesting tools, resources and information about events taking place in the next months. UICC is also proud to welcome two new members into the network. Find out more about them in this month's edition. Read more


Confronting Cancer and COVID-19 in Venezuela

A UICC member speaks about the current challenges facing a global pandemic in the context of political instability and a weak health system. Read more



Multisectoral coordination to address NCDs through law

A new report by the McCabe Centre for Cancer & Law in Australia shows how countries in the Western Pacific are using law and legal frameworks to address NCDs. Read more

Cancer beyond COVID-19 series

The first two Virtual Dialogues in UICC’s Cancer beyond COVID-19 series focused on “reimagining screening and diagnosis” and “bringing quality care closer to patients”. Read the summaries and register for the 3rd Virtual Dialogue on 1st December. Read more



World Cancer Day Solidarity Challenge

UICC is teaming up with Orsen SA and ZWIFT in an exciting new initiative for World Cancer Day: a global virtual cycling “Solidarity Challenge”. Read more

Increasing cancer survival rates through a national cancer control plan

UICC showcases the Republic of Korea’s National Cancer Control Plan as a successful case study in increasing cancer survival rates through effective planning and implementation. Read more


Upcoming events

Don’t miss out on UICC’s final Virtual Dialogues of 2020

We end the year with two very topical discussions on financing cancer care and leadership at times of crisis.


To mark World Antimicrobial Awareness Week (18-24 November), UICC has published two blogs on how drug resistance threatens cancer and what can be done and the impact of AMR on cancer care in Africa or Sub-Saharan Africa.



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Hrvatska udruga leukemija i limfomi
predsjednik Dražen Vincek
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