EURORDIS - The Voice of Rare Disease Patients in Europe


Eurordis, Rare Diseases Europe

The Voice of Rare Disease Patients in Europe



Benjamin and his brother Samuel Zabojnik in Norway. Samuel is living with Prader Willi Syndrome.

"Relation fusionnelle"
Xia-Gibbs Syndrome, France

The Board of Directors and the staff of EURORDIS wish you a
Happy New Year!

Le Conseil d’administration et toute l’équipe d’EURORDIS vous souhaitent une bonne et heureuse nouvelle année !

Der EURORDIS-Vorstand und alle EURORDIS-Mitarbeiter wünschen Ihnen ein glückliches neues Jahr!

La Junta directiva y el personal de EURORDIS les desea un
Feliz Año Nuevo.

Il Consiglio di Amministrazione e lo staff di EURORDIS augurano a tutti un Felice Anno Nuovo.

A Direção e os funcionários da EURORDIS desejam-lhe um
Feliz Ano Novo.

Члены Совета директоров и сотрудники EURORDIS поздравляют вас с наступающим Новым Годом!



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This mailing has been funded with support from the European Union's Health Programme. This material only reflects the views of the author, and funders cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.

afmtelethonHealth Programme of the European Union

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Zagreb, HR

Hrvatska udruga leukemija i limfomi
predsjednik Dražen Vincek
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