UICC Newsletter - January 202

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UICC Newsletter January 2021

Celebrating the heroes working in cancer


For World Cancer Day, UICC shares the stories of and thanks the nurses, doctors, researchers, volunteers, advocates and other caregivers in oncology from around the world for their tireless work these past 12 months.

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World Cancer Day LIVE

This 4th February, UICC is bringing World Cancer Day to you. Tune into a full day of expert talks, book readings, musical performances and activities to help you unwind in a live broadcast from around the world. View the full virtual programme


How thousands will be marking World Cancer Day

Find out what UICC members, partners and the international cancer community have planned on 4th February as they adapt their activities to the new environment of COVID-19. Read more



Towards a brighter 2021 – a vision for UICC and cancer control

UICC’s new President, Prof. Anil D’Cruz, offers his vision for the organisation and cancer control, as he looks to guide UICC through a changing health landscape. Read more


Take Action

Riding for cancer – Broadcast worldwide and on Youtube

The World Cancer Day Solidarity Challenge broadcast worldwide on 4th February will unite the sporting and cancer communities around the theme of “I Am and I Will” as biking enthusiasts and sporting legends ride for cancer. Read more

Shining a spotlight on cervical cancer elimination this World Cancer Day

One week ahead of World Cancer Day, UICC encourages its members to participate in a 21-Day Challenge “Cervical Cancer edition”, attend a Special Focus Virtual Dialogue on the topic and share videos of health leaders responding to questions by children. Read more


Capacity Building

UICC Fellowships programme re-opens in 2021

Calls for applications to the Technical Fellowships programme, its sub-regional counterpart, Bourses pour l’Afrique francophone and Virtual Fellowships will open on 1st February. Following the disruption in 2020, the programme will continue to support the transfer of cancer control knowledge and skills through both in-person and virtual exchanges. 
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New Country Champions selected for UICC’s Cancer Advocates programme

A new group of UICC members from low- and middle-income countries join the Cancer Advocates programme aiming to strengthen their skills, knowledge and networks in advocating for equitable access to cancer control. Read more



Members’ Corner

This month in the Members’ Corner, find two brand-new resources, register for upcoming new virtual events, and don’t miss out on recent calls for applications. We also give a special shout-out to World Cancer Day and our members’ stories. All this and more here

Results of UICC survey with members on financial impact of COVID-19

The survey UICC conducted last year with its members revealed that more than three-quarters of cancer organisations experienced a significant fall in income due to COVID-19. Read more (pdf)




UICC expands its online learning offer for members

A range of self-guided courses allowing UICC members to access learning at their own pace and time are now available on the UICC eLearning platform. These will complement the Master courses in an expanding online learning offer for members. Register now

Cervical cancer elimination and health convergence

27th January, 15:00-17:00 CET

A deep dive discussion on how to leverage national responses to the global elimination strategy to support greater integration across health services. This dialogue will be held in English, with French translation available. Read more



Beyond the headlines lie unsung heroes

Bill Anderson of Roche Pharmaceuticals shines a light on the herculean efforts by staff on the ground to ensure the continued availability of essential medicines and care through the pandemic. Read more

Lessons from COVID-19: Addressing global cancer disparities

Gissoo DeCotiis of Daiichi Sankyo writes about how COVID-19 has highlighted ongoing global disparities in breast cancer care and the continued need for action.
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Hrvatska udruga leukemija i limfomi
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10 000 Zagreb
GSM: +385 (0)91 4873 561
TEL: +385 (0)1 4873 561
e-mail: udruga.hull.zagreb@gmail.com
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